Hildegard of Bingen, a famous german saint and healer of the 12.century (1098-1179) used clove buds warming effect for a stuffy head, gout, intestinal issues, and hiccoughs.
 During the Black Plague of the mid-14th century, thieves robbing the deceased victims made use of cloves and other spices and herbs for protection against infection.
Recipe for homemade toothpaste:Â
5 Tbsp Calcium powder
2 Tbsp Baking Soda
3 Tbsp Xylitol Powder  (powder is not sold. One has to put the xylitol granules into a food processor and mix into powder form)
2 Tbsp Baking Soda
3 Tbsp Xylitol Powder  (powder is not sold. One has to put the xylitol granules into a food processor and mix into powder form)
1 Tbsp Alohatherapy Neem Seed Oil
20 – 30 drops Trace Minerals
20 – 30 drops Trace Minerals
3-5 Tbsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to get desired creamy texture
Essential Oils:  Peppermint, Fresh Cinnamon Leaf, Clove, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Fresh Ginger, Ginger
Essential Oils:  Peppermint, Fresh Cinnamon Leaf, Clove, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Fresh Ginger, Ginger
 Caution:   Clove Bud essential oil can cause skin and mucous membrane irritation, dermatitis, and skin sensitization; avoid repeated application and excessive inhalation, use in low dilution (1% or less). Avoid use if using blood thinning medications.