Frankincense is an aromatic resin with a long history of use. The resin has been sold commercially for at least 3,000 years as it was a prized possession in the ancient world, equal in value to many precious stones and metals. It has been used for ages for numerous therapeutic benefits. It is used in incense and it is an important source of livelihood for nomadic tribes. International laboratory research has demonstrated frankincense essential oil’s ability to shut down cancer cells without harming healthy cells. It shuts the cancer cells down by probing the nucleus and resetting the cancerous DNA to normal cellular DNA. Uterine health: Frankincense oil regulates estrogen production in women and reduces the risk of post-menopause tumor or cyst formation in the uterus (uterine cancer). It also regulates the menstrual cycle of premenopausal women.
Respiratory system: Frankincense deepens breathing and regulates mucus secretion. It is helpful for pleurisy, laryngitis and is best inhaled for respiratory system. Frankincense oil can break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can relieve bronchitis-related congestion. Mind: It is beneficial in states of nervous tension and depression. It relieves nightmares, fear of future and produces calm mental states. Inhaled or diffused via a vaporizer – a very effective sedative that induces a feeling of mental peace, relaxation and satisfaction, and helps relieve anxiety, anger, and stress. Emotional/Energetic: Allows the ego-self and transpersonal self to work in unison to achieve freedom from attachments. Cleansing of the aura and psychic planes, powerful for ritual use and in meditation.
Caution: Frankincense essential oil is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it acts as an emenagogue and may induce menstruation, which may be dangerous for an unborn fetus. It also has blood thinning effects, and may increase the risk of abnormal bleeding in people with a bleeding disorder or taking anticoagulant medications.