2 Tbsp Baking Soda
3 Tbsp Xylitol Powder  (powder is not sold. One has to put the xylitol granules into a food processor and mix into powder form)
20 – 30 drops Trace Minerals
Essential Oils:  Peppermint, Fresh Cinnamon Leaf, Clove, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Fresh Ginger, Ginger
Caution: Â Cinnamon poses a drug interaction hazard.
It can be a skin allergen, redden, and even burn sensitive skin.   Avoid  during pregnancy.  Take care to not get it into your eyes or on mucous membranes.  In case of contact, DO NOT use water, instead put some vegetable oil on a tissue to gently wipe out of eye or off area of contact. In severe cases, seek professional help immediately. Avoid leaf oil when using blood thinning medications.
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to man. It was valued in ancient Egypt not only as a medicine and beverage flavoring but also as an embalming agent and is also mentioned in the Bible. It was so highly prized among ancient nations that it was considered more valuable than gold throughout some of its history – fit as a gift for monarchs and gods.
It’s source was kept secret for centuries by the middlemen who handled the spice trade in the Mediterranean to protect their monopoly as suppliers. Cinnamon is native to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, and Myanmar. It is also produced in Madagascar.