Susan Richadson, CA:
 "Alohatherapy creates the best sandalwood I've found in over 30 years. When mine ran out, I tracked down Alohatherapy and was amazed when I reached someone on the phone in Hawaii -- I had to have more of their Sandalwood! I couldn't imagine being without." "Thank you so much for your prompt shipping! I received my oils today and am so happy! They smell amazing! Especially the Sandalwood. I cant wait to start working with them. Also, I wanted to thank you for the samples you threw in! What an awesome surprise! Mahalo nui loa!"   Jessica K. "I own a conscious consumer retail shop in Nova Scotia, Canada and have recently used your oils.... they're amazing!!!! I've tried many of your favorites are Rose and Sandalwood." Christine, Nova Scotia, Canada
Randy from Los Angeles, CA –
I smelled your Sandalwood and it smelled good to me. It isn’t girly or effeminate. From the first day I used this I had women I didn’t know commenting to me with a slight growl in their voice how you smell gooooood. You can imagine what that lead to.
Amy J. –
Aloha Gabriela,
How are you? I have to tell you the oils you sold me are fabulous, and I
would like to place another order please.
Amy J.