White Thyme is a small perennial shrub with lots of branches and light purple to pink flowers.
Thyme essential oil is derived from the steam distillation of the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant which grows up to one foot in height.
White Thyme essential oil is actually Red Thyme essential oil that has been filtered and re-distilled. Due to its milder aroma and action it is generally considered to be safer to use than Red Thyme due to the reduced level of phenols. Thyme is like Oregano a member of the mint family.
Thyme essential oil contains potent compounds that make it strongly antimicrobial and antiseptic. It has been used since ancient times by the Sumerians, Egyptians, Romans and in indian ayurvedic holisitc care as medicine when antibiotics weren’t available.
White Thyme oil has a fortifying effect on the mind and emotions – actually on the whole metabolism.
Thyme essential oil is anti-parasitic and kills tape worms, round worms, maggots and hook worms.
To use thyme essential oil for snoring relief, mix it with a carrier oil and apply it at the bottoms of your big toes each night. You can also diffuse thyme essential oil into the air with a diffuser. A bedroom filled with the aroma of thyme will allow for easiest breathing while you sleep.
Caution: Avoid during pregnancy. Use in small amounts and with caution on sensitive or damaged skin. Use diluted in carrier oil.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information presented here is for educational purposes of traditional uses. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.